Monday, February 1, 2016

How Zombies Changed Black Ops 3 and Call of Duty Completely

Within the past decade zombies have become one of the most popular fictional creatures on the planet. They're in everything from popular TV shows to your kids' favorite shoot 'em up games and beyond. The zombies mode in Treyarch's lineup of Call of Duty video games is one of the most recognizable and successful examples in the gaming industry. They began putting this mode in their games when World at War was released. This title marked the first time a zombies "mini" game was included with the first-person shooter. Ever since then, zombies has been a large part of the Black Ops series' success.

In late 2015, Treyarch released Black Ops 3, the newest installment of their popular franchise. It, too, has a zombies mode gamers can play. According to the developers and gamers, BO3 has what can easily be called the most in-depth zombies map ever, Shadows of Evil. This is an exceptionally detailed map set in a location named Morg City. The story arch is entertaining and very interesting. It follows the live of four individuals, all with rather shady backgrounds, that get sent to the city, packed with zombies, as punishment for their misdeeds.

Both Shadows of Evil and The Giant offer an engaging storyline, smooth gameplay, and tons of replayability. There are a lot of similarities between Black Ops 3's zombies mode and previous Call of Duty zombies games, but there are plenty of new things to keep players interested, too.

There's a brand new leveling system that works similarly to the online multiplayer portion of the game. Players have good reasons to try hitting high ranks, too. As you do, you'll unlock various Gobblegum perks and specialty items that can be used to trick-out your weapons.

Another new thing players will encounter in the BO3 zombies experience is Gobblegum. These interesting goods are used to snag handy buffs that can be useful when taking down zombies. Gobblegum is insanely useful and is typically found in machines that are located in Shadows of Evil, as well as The Giant.

Black Ops 3 zombies can be played solo or with two or more people. Want to go solo? It's not recommended, especially for newbies. Zombies isn't easy playing by yourself and you'll have to develop a strategy for keeping yourself alive. Playing with friends, on the other hand, gives you access to assistance with killing undead creatures, completing various Easter eggs, and, of course, getting revived when you go down.

Most players that love zombies aim to reach the proverbial stars by staying alive through super high rounds. To do this you'll need time, patience, and, most importantly, a highly effective strategy to execute. Players can develop their own strategies as they learn the game or they can check out tips and tricks that others have published in articles or videos. You'll find that your playing strategy will be different when playing solo versus going through rounds with 2 or more others.

Looking for an effective strategy to use? Head on over to for help.

In case you're wondering, there's really just one map for zombies at the moment, unless you got a more expensive edition of the game. The maps are The Giant and Shadows of Evil. Anyone can play on Shadows of Evil. This was the first map and is included with all copies of the game. The only people that got The Giant, however, are those that purchased special editions of BO3 such as the Hardened or Juggernog versions of the game. Players will be delighted to know, however, that the developers will be adding more maps for zombies with the future DLC packs.

The zombies mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 provides an entertaining and intriguing side game to play if you're not interested in the game's campaign or online multiplayer features. You'd be surprised at how many people actually buy the Black Ops series of games with the sole intention of playing through the zombies content.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Ins and Outs of Treyarch's Call of Duty Black Ops 3

Treyarch's latest installment for Call of Duty, Black Ops 3, will be releasing in November. Despite many claiming that Call of Duty is on a downward trend, Black Ops 3 is expected to do extremely well in sales. Major sales tracking website, VGchartz, says that Black Ops 3 has already surpassed more than 1 million pre-orders. This seems to happen for nearly every Call of Duty game, though.

The Black Ops series seems to always do quite well, but other games in the CoD series weren't as well-liked in recent years. Ghosts, which was developed by Infinity Ward, is perhaps the most despised Call of Duty game to date. Advanced Warfare is the other game that many didn't like. The biggest mistake Sledgehammer Games, the developer of Advanced Warfare, made was adding in the exoskeleton suit.

If you're already playing the game, we highly recommend checking out this link to get a full guide that will teach you how to play better.

Although those games struggled to earn the love of gamers, Black Ops 3 has come out of the gate with mostly positive reception. Despite the inclusion of advanced maneuvers and classes, BO3 is still very true to its origins. Millions of gamers got to experience the game first-hand through the open beta that was released. Afterward, many claimed that they loved it and plan to buy it in November.

Unlike competing franchise, Star Wars Battlefront, BO3 offers a large selection of weaponry and equipment for gamers to make use of. A few more guns will probably be available in the final game, too. The most popular weapon categories - rifles and smgs - had tons of options. In our opinion, the game could use a few more sniper rifles and shotguns for variety, though. In addition to a great weapon selection, Black Ops 3 also has a number of staple equipment options such as regular grenades, stuns, and, as many BO2 fans had hoped for - the combat axe. Perks make a big difference for your classes, too. Perks in Call of Duty Black Ops 3 are fairly similar to ones in previous titles.

Another thing we really liked about this game was the design of the maps. Gamers that played Advanced Warfare and Ghosts often criticized the design of the maps in those games. Some people insist that the map designs in Advanced Warfare and Ghosts were awful. The map designs featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 are awesome from what we've seen so far.

Need help figuring this game out? Read these handy Black Ops 3 tips and tricks to learn how to outperform nearly anyone in the online multiplayer modes.

No matter what others may say, it's very probable that Black Ops 3 will lead the gaming industry in sales through the holiday season. Even with Star Wars Battlefront releasing just a week afterward, Black Ops 3 will more than likely sell a lot more copies. Millions more. CoD is still going strong and many gamers will purchase Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 this November.